Enduren Zinc

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Enduren Zinc

SKU: 022QDIOP6T Category: Tag:


Boost the immune system & Fights:

– Colds & flu

– Virus infections

– Cold sores

– Low testosterone

– Pimples & acne

 23 mg elemental zinc per tablet.


Ingredients: Glucose, Zinc Gluconate, Natural Flavour.

Zinc is an essential trace element involved in many vital metabolic reactions within the body. It promotes healthy skin, bones, hair, and nails and supports normal vision and taste. It promotes the formation of collagen important for joint health. It supports DNA formation and cell growth. It acts as an antioxidant and can improve the immune system.

When zinc lozenges are sucked it has strong local anti-viral and anti-inflammatory action in the upper respiratory tracts and thus can combat colds, flu, and other viral infections if taken preventatively or immediately at first signs of infection.

There are also indications that zinc can be of assistance during specific periods in life like pregnancy, rapid growth, adolescence, older people, menstruation, depression, and during winter. It is also advisable for vegans and vegetarians to supplement zinc.

Enduren Zinc
